A great weekend in MN USA for Mother / Daughter team at the US Toller Club's supported entry weekend AKA The Back Yard Classic. "Rogue" aka "Fourwind's Roaneden Rogue Wave" goes WB for a 4 point major with a Breed entry of over 40 Tollers! Momma "Jade" aka "SHR Am/NSDTRC CH Roaneden's CDN Gem O'Fourwinds RN CGC WC VC" passes her Working certificate, earning her the NSDTR Club of USA - Club Championship and Versatility Certificate!!!! Way to go ladies!!!
Jade aka " SHR Am CH Roaneden's CDN Gem o'Fourwinds RN CGC" finished her UKC Started Hunting Retriever! Jade is from our Dolly x Pierce litter.
"Fourwinds Roaneden Rogue Wave" aka Rogue picks up 2 more AKC points this past weekend at the Badger Kennel Club show going WB. She was reserve to the major the day before. Litter brother Gus has a great weekend, going BOW
"Can GCH Roaneden's Wingman of Mayhem CGC CGN RN" picks up a Best of Breed win and a Sporting Group 2nd - Seaway Kennel Club
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November 2024
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